Tuesday, September 15, 2009

White People Speaking Asian

I couldn't stop watching these videos yesterday. Mesmerizing.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Amy Sedaris and How's Your News Together at Last


This is my favorite thing. I got it at this great store in Reykjavik called KRONKRON by 2 sisters who go by the name of Yaz Bukey. They also do a line of bold, cartoon-y jewelry but these purses that come in other hilarious colour combinations are my favorite.

Tromp l'oeil. Check out the make-up for Junya Watanabe's Fall '09 show. Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


A few years ago I made a trilogy of music videos for Final Fantasy. The videos are about Toronto realtor Brad J. Lamb, the craziness of filmaking, and connecting pieces of work into the next.

Norman Mclaren

Friday, September 4, 2009


I'm in pre-production right now for a documentary about children of Elvis impersonators entitled Children of the King. I will go out into the world and try to find other kids like me who grew up with a dad who performs as Elvis. It's a support group ok?

Currently Working With

I'm working on a music video for the Junior Boys. Jeremy was saying that he really was inspired by Norman Mclaren's short film Pas de Deux which was perfect because I had recently seen Toronto's only vogue house, House of Monroe perform a week earlier at the Harbourfront and I fell in love. Lee Towndrow is my cinematographer who has worked on my friend Margaux's feature film Teenager Hamlet. Ms. Messhausen is making costumes. It'll look good.
